Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Childrens Aid Society Corruption

Having read a blog today about 2 sisters that had the guts to challenge statements made by a lying priest in British Columbia. I commend them and encourage more people to stand up and be counted.

This has brought me here to do my own blog today.

I have been personally involved with two serious incidents to do with the Hamilton Children's Aid Society and although the two incidents were 30 years apart, with no CAS involvement in between. On both cases, the Children's Aid Society handled themselves with the most corrupt, sneaky, backstabbing methods that I have ever run across.

The first case with the help of the highest ranking male politician of Canada which almost became our Prime Minister and a crooked judge, which had a private meeting with one of the parties, that fabricated and falsified everything in that case. This lead to the total destruction of 4 children, one of them seriously crippled by the other parties neglect, thus resulting in his death in 1997 at the age of 37.

The second incident involved the Hamilton Children's Aid Society which visiously and relentlessy attacking me because of my efforts to bring to justice the 19 year old that got my 13 year old daughter pregnant, while she was under the care of the Hamilton Children's Aid Society. 9 months later the baby was born and the CAS attempted to put my granddaughter up for adoption. This resulted in me having to fight for her welfare. And I gained custody of my granddaughter and my son.

They continued to harrass me on a regular basis. The first occasion they used two goon squad men, dressed in uniforms to break my door down on a Friday night at 1:30am in the morning and take away my two children without a warrant. This was done completely illegal and they had to return the two children on a Tuesday morning.

After 5 repeated attempts to get police reports of this incident the Hamilton police showed their misconduct, mischief, negligence, and mismanagement by not being able to produce these reports and mysteriously the Hamilton Children's Aid Society's computers broke down during this incident.

6 months later they started their tactics all over again, by the police kicking in the front door of an office, failing to provide a warrant and then 2 weeks later they once again showed up at the office front door. The Hamilton Children's Aid Society came with a Macho 7 man SWAT team and 4 uniformed officers, along with an incompetent, unprofessional woman in uniform.

In this particular case from March 25, 2005 until 2007 our Children's Aid Society of Hamilton file showed the names of 33 glorified clerks, with only 3 of them being registered with the College of Social workers in Ontario, and all of them employed by the Hamilton Children's Aid Society.

After they lied, fabricated, and falsified everything to cover up the corruption, they turned to our kangaroo court called the FAMILY court to have our so called judges continue to rubber stamp and break every law and go directly against their own mandates.

The corruption was so vivid there was no problem in laying a criminal Contempt of court charge against the Hamilton Children's Aid Society. Mysteriously and predictably this charge simply disappeared without any questions asked.

The Children's Aid Society, abuse of its own process allowed 83 children to die while in its care and control in 2006 alone.


At this time while fighting my own case and the amount of corruption involved, I have come across the horror stories to do with the residential schools. Having been brought up in a family to believe in honesty, justice and fair play I was horrified to be faced with the reality that our society in Canada is responsible and capable of killing little children by the thousands. All my inlaws fought in the 2nd World War to stop HITLER from doing what he was doing in Europe, only to find out that our righteous churches, the Catholic, Protestant, Anglican and United Church of Canada and our highest placed politicians are doing the same thing right here in Canada.

It staggers the imagination that someone is committing murder and getting away with it. Our laws state that if you are responsible for the death of a child or a disabled person by any means that is criminal negligence. When it happens again over and over it is outright murder.

The Ontario Children's Aid Societies must be held accountable for their actions when breaking Provincial and Federal Laws.This would be a mandatory start. http://andreahorwath.ca/node/350


PR said...

You are correct.

Check out my blog, Legally Kidnapped

The foster care system is no better or safer then an abusive home.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

This is an e-mail letter that was sent to Ontario’s Premier and placed on many
different web sites. They virtually all disappeared from Google. Is this more than
Big Brother just watching.

> From: welfarelegal2004@hotmail.comwelfarelegal2004@hotmail.com

> To: dmcguinty.mpp@liberal.ola.org
> Subject: The First Step In Alleviating Poverty
> Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2008 02:06:55 +0000
> Would you kindly respond as too your thoughts regarding these facts?
> My question to you and to myself is how do they get away with the callous and unjust manner that workers approach their clients with, at Ontario Works, ODSP and even the Social Benefits Tribunal?
> The answer is very simple. BECAUSE THEY CAN
> For the record I would like to state, I have seen many improvements to the STB since a change of its Chair and I expect to see many more. I can’t say the same for Ontario Works and ODSP.
> The research shows when clients have contact with workers the response is not always the same. You could ask three different workers the same question and receive three different answers.
> If the worker doesn't especially like you, they will simply ignore you. This means things like no return phone calls, ignoring verbal requests for benefits, requesting more than usual documents be brought in to prove eligibility and so on.
> If the worker really doesn't like you, they will often do everything in their power to harass, intimidate and frustrate you into giving up and going away. This means things like ignoring written requests for benefits, telling you that the benefit doesn’t exist, denying benefits when you are entitled and no decision letters and so on.
> If the worker does like you, they will give you any of the benefits that you ask for if you entitled. This is only if the worker is aware of the benefits requested. Here is an interesting problem. The vast majority of the workers are not aware of benefits that are available. This even includes some of the excellent workers. Another problem is that the fast majority of clients don’t even know what the benefits are.
> ****All clients must document, tape record and video record everything, every time when dealing with any OW or ODSP staff.****
> The governments must, as a gesture of good will, give all Ontario Works and ODSP clients a written copy of the benefits that they say clients are entitled.
> This would be a first concrete step taken to start the process in eliminating poverty.
> Ontario Works Directive # 31.0 found at http://www.mcss.gov.on.ca/mcss/english/pillars/social/ow-directives/ow_policy_directives.htm or the:
> Ontario Disability Support Program Directives #s 9.1 to 9.19 Found at http://www.mcss.gov.on.ca/mcss/english/pillars/social/odsp-is-directives/ODSP_incomesupport.htm
> The only real remedy to this problem is for clients to sue their respective governments. For Ontario Works it would be their local municipal government and the Province of Ontario and for ODSP it would be the Province of Ontario.
> In the Ontario Works Act it states No personal liability
> 77.(1)No action or other proceeding in damages shall be instituted against the Ministry, the Director, a delivery agent, an officer or employee of any of them or anyone acting under their authority for any act done in good faith in the execution or intended execution of a duty or authority under this Act or for any alleged neglect or default in the execution in good faith of any duty or authority under this Act.
> In the Ontario Disability Support Program it states No personal liability
> 58. (1) No action or other proceeding in damages shall be instituted against the Ministry, the Director or a delivery agent, an officer, employee of any of them or anyone acting under their authority for any act done in good faith in the execution or intended execution of a duty or authority under this Act or for any alleged neglect or default in the execution in good faith of any duty or authority under this Act. 1997, c. 25, Sched. B, s. 58 (1).
> This means that a client could sue for damages if bad faith could be proven.
> It is called bad faith; a person who intentionally tries to deceive or mislead another in order to gain some advantage.
> It is called willful blindness or willful deceit.
> The government must get rid of the discretionary powers it allows workers in the OW and OSSP, Act, Regulations and Directives. You’re either entitled to benefits or your not. It is extremely simple but the government will not do it until it gets sued for Bad Faith.
> It’s so simple; all the government has to do is to look at how the federal government implements its Employment Insurance application process, and they are saving millions.
> To receive benefits you must go online to apply, with exceptions for some disabled clients. You fill out a simple template and the next thing you experience is a cheque in the mail. If the federal government trusts us why can’t you?
> Ron Payne
> Welfare Legal
> Hamilton, Ontario.
> E-mail welfarelegal2004@hotmail.com

Unknown said...

Please don’t think that Canadian genocide isn’t possible as it is happening as we speak. One would simply have to research the ongoing corruption and deaths related to the Children’s Aid Society here in Ontario.

Deaths in Foster Care
In an article by Vivian Song published in the April 2, 2006 Toronto Sun, she says Ontario Deputy Chief Coroner Dr Jim Cairns presides over the deaths of about 70 children a year involved with CAS. This is the highest reported death rate, but the article does not define what is meant by "involved". On January 25, 2007 reporter Haley Mick in the Globe and Mail quoted Mr Cairns saying approximately 80 children die each year with open CAS files. The number includes deaths in foster care plus in-home deaths of children under watch. A document titled Report of the Paediatric Death Review Committee and Deaths Under Five Committee from the Office of the Chief Coroner, Province of Ontario (2007) contains the statements on page 22:


Ron Payne
Welfare Legal
Hamilton, Ontario
E-mail welfarelegal2004@hotmail.com